Clematis vitalba

Clematis vitalba

Clematis vitalbaClematis vitalba
Κληματίδα η λευκάμπελος
“Clematis” comes from Greek “κληματίδα” which means “climbing plant”. There are three Clematis species in Cyprus and Clematis vitalba is the only one that is naturalized, but non-invasive. Clematis vitalba is encountered on the Troodos and Kyrenia regions only. It is a rather rare plant compared to all the others that exist in Cyprus. It grows at an altitude of up to 1525 metres.

What distinguishes vitalba from the other species are the following: its flowers are small (1.5-2cm in diameter) in brached panicles; its sepals are creamy or greenish-white; its leaflets are 6-10 cm long, and finally, it is a deciduous shrub.

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