Epilobium hirsutum

Epilobium hirsutum

Epilobium hirsutum
Επιλόβιο το τριχωτό
Epilobium hirsutum is a rather rare plant similar to Epilobium parviflorum. Epilobium hirsutum has petals 10-20 mm longs, sessile, amplexicaul leaves. Parviflorum has stems closed with spreading hairs, and its lower leaves are also sessile or very shortly petiolate.

There are eight Epilobium species in Cyprus, all of them quite rare. “Epilobium” comes from Greek “Επί+λοβός”, which means “upon the lobe”. “Hirsutum” is Latin and it means “hairy, hirsute”. Epilobium hirsutum is encountered at an altitude of up to 1525 metres. It is a tall, perennial plant, reaching up to 2 metres in height. It inhabits damp and waste places, river-sides and ditches, as October in Cyprus is a dry month and can’t servive in such a waterless environment.

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