Βίνκα η μείζονα
Etymology of Vinca major: The name of the genus, "Vinca", is short for the ancient name given by Pliny, "Vincapervinca", known also as "Vinca pervinca"; it derives from the verbs "vinco", meaning "conquer" and "pervinco", meaning "conquer completely", referring to the extend of its growth, as it is spreading indefinitely on countless square metres. The epithet "major" refers to the larger size of the species in relation to the similar Vinca minor.
One Vinca species/kind has so far been identified in the wild Cypriot habitat.
Vinca major is a naturalized, non-invasive plant in the Cypriot habitat. It is mostly encountered in the Troodos Mountains range and the Kerynia district. Its long flowering period begins in March and ends in November.