Centaurium erythraea subsp. rhodense

Centaurium erythraea subsp. rhodense

Centaurium erythraea subsp. rhodense
Κενταύριο το ερυθρό, Χειρώνια, Χόρτο του Χείρωνα

The name Centaurium derives from the ancient Greek centaur #Chiron. The naming of the plant is attributed to #Dioscoridis (ancient Greek doctor/pharmacist/herbalist/botanist). According to Pliny, the centaur Chiron used this plant to heal an arrow wound in his foot.

The epithet erythreae, both in latin and ancient greek means “reddish”. This plant captured on camera was grown on argillaceous soil, reaching about 35-40 cm in height and was bloomed in May.

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