Trifolium repens

Trifolium repens

Trifolium repens
Τριφύλλι το έρπον
“Repens” in Latin means “creeping” and “Trifolium” means “three leafed”. It blooms during Spring, from March till May. Trifolium repens is supposed to grow at high altitude, in Troodos region only, but this one was recorded in almost coastal Ypsonas, grewn in the grass of a park, alongside with other creeping Trifolium repenses that form a green-white “carpet” somehow. We notice white marks on the leaves, in the middle of the them, like an “equatorial” line. The leaves are more circular shaped than in the most of the other Trifolium species. On its flower white prevails, as in the clypeatum species, but in this case its petals are shorter and the fruit is more spherically symmetric.

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