Trifolium dasyurum

Τριφύλλι το δασύ

Etymology of Trifolium dasyurum: The name of the genus, "Trifolium" derives from the Ancient Greek "τρία" [tria], meaning "three" and the Latin "folium", which means "leaf", hence "three-leafed", referring to the three leaflets that comprise a leaf. This word is a calque of the Ancient Greek "τρίφυλλο" [trifyllo], which actually means the same thing. "Dasyurum" comes from the Ancient Greek "δασύς" [dasys], which means "dense", referring to the dense hairs on its fruits.

Around 35 Trifolium species and subspecies/kinds have been identified in the wild Cypriot habitat so far.

Trifolium dasyurum is said to exist all-around Cyprus, except in the Karpasia peninsula, up to a maximum altitude of 725 metres. Its flowering period is between February and April.


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