Scorzonera troodea

Σκορτσονέρα η τροόδια

Etymology of Scorzonera troodea: It is assumed that the name of the genus, "scorzonera" derives from the Old French word "scorzon" meaning "adder" referring to a widespread belief that the Scorzonera hispanica made a good antidote against bites of venomous snakes. It was given the epithet "troodea" because it is a Cyprus endemic species exclusively recorded in the Troodos Mountains range of Cyprus.

Three Scorzonera species exist in the wild Cypriot habitat.

Scorzonera troodea is an uncommon plant in the Cypriot habitat. It is an indigenous and endemic plant growing on rocky slopes and pinewoods. It is encountered in the Troodos Mountains range and surrounding mountains, at an altitude between 750-1950 metres. Its flowering period is between May and July.


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