Scilla morrisii Meikle
Σκίλλα του Μόρρις
Scilla morrisii is one of the four Scilla species that exist in Cyprus. Scilla morrisii is considered to be a very rare plant, indigenous and endemic to the flora of Cyprus. Scilla morrisii exists only in Cyprus. It is an endangered species but plenty of them can be found in February-April blooming at the Kritou Terra waterfalls area in Paphos.
Scilla morrisii is a perennial bulbous plant growing ylup to 35 centimetres tall, even though usually it is found to be much shorter. Its leaves are usually three and its hermaphrodite flowers have six segments. It grows at an altitude of 25-1000 metres high in the Akamas, Troodos and Pentadactylos mountains regions.